PRP improves your skin's texture, thickness and luminosity
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP facial) or also known as Vampire Facial, is a simple, safe, non-surgical procedure utilising your own cells for your skin’s rejuvenation – no artificial products required.
PRP stimulates collagen and elastin production which thickens and tightens thinning skin, effectively smoothing wrinkles and fine lines. This is a fantastic anti-ageing skin treatment.
See also:
Is Platelet Rich Plasma right for you?
Your skin is unique, and so are your needs. If you’re considering PRP as a treatment option, please book a skin consultation to determine if this is the right treatment for you.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is effective in the treatment of:
Fine lines and wrinkles
Dark circles under eyes
Textural and tone improvement
Dull dry skin
Hair growth stimulation
Saggy and wrinkly neck
Aged hands
Uneven pigmentation
General signs of skin ageing
Certain types of alopecia or general hair thinning
PRP is also suitable for:
People who may experience risk of allergic reactions from other treatments
People looking for a natural treatment using the body’s own healing process
The treatment is suitable for all skin tones
The treatment is safe for pregnant and breast-feeding patients
Because PRP boosts collagen, it's also a great treatment for improving overall skin texture and tone. It's particularly good for people who suffer from rosacea or acne.
​PRP therapy nourishes the skin with a fresh flow of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood that rejuvenates and revives the skin to bring back the glamour quotient of your eyes. PRP therapy also helps by healing the root cause of dark undereye circles.
Improve your skin’s appearance, naturally
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, which is blood plasma containing a high concentration of platelets (also known as thrombocytes).
It’s derived from your own blood, containing over 300 active growth factors. Studies have shown that the body’s natural healing process is activated when PRP is added to a treatment area, releasing specific proteins that lead to regeneration and rejuvenation.​
1 hr
650 New Zealand dollars

How it works
Platelet Rich Plasma therapy uses your own platelets (taken from a small sample of your blood, just like a blood test), and helps to accelerate and promote your own body’s natural healing processes, rejuvenating the skin without significant risk.
PRP treatment stimulates cellular rejuvenation and improves the skin’s texture and elasticity. This is great for thin skin, especially around the eyes, neck, décolletage, full face, and hands.
This is a natural anti-ageing procedure that is highly sought after in the beauty and health industries.
Safe and natural, with minimal pain
PRP is a very safe treatment, mainly because we are using the healing parts of your own blood, so there is no chance of an allergic reaction or serious side-effects.
The most common side effect is swelling, redness and some bruising of treated areas especially around the eyes usually lasting around 1-2 days, although you can use makeup 24 hours after the treatment.
While everyone’s pain tolerances vary, you may experience some mild discomfort. However, we can use a topical anaesthetic, which can drastically minimise any pain felt.

PRP Factsheet
Duration and Frequency of Treatments
The treatment itself takes about an hour and is performed by a Registered Cosmetic Nurse who has been highly trained in this technique.
A course of treatments involves 3 appointments, spaced 4 weeks apart, and results can be maintained with a single repeat treatment every 8-12 months.
Treatment results vary, however for most patients the results last at least 12 months. Touch up treatments are recommended to maintain the results.
Who should NOT receive PRP treatments?
The treatment is NOT suitable for advanced wrinkling and severe scarring. The treatment is not suitable for patients who have any of the following conditions:
​Low platelet count
Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome
Critical Thrombocytopenia
Acute and Chronic Infections
Chronic Liver pathology
Anticoagulation therapy (Warfarin, Aspirin)
What to expect when you receive PRP treatment
Before Your Treatment
You will need to stop taking omega oils and antioxidant supplements 3 days prior to treatment.
The Procedure
Blood is taken directly from you (just like a blood test), and placed into a patented PRP tube. This tube is then placed into a centrifuge that separates the red blood cells from PRP using a special gel. The PRP is then directly injected into the treatment areas to support and help accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.
Recovery and Aftercare
It is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids following your treatment. It is also recommended to limit strenuous activity e.g. exercise for 48 hrs.
You should avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications for at least one week. Be careful to avoid any aggressive scrubbing.
The Results
Results of PRP can become evident after two weeks, and gradually increase over the following months - the results are cumulative and get better and better.
Results will be most visible around 4 months after treatment, as platelets stimulate the release of growth factors that assist in collagen regeneration. Your skin will appear rejuvenated, younger and fresher.
Due to the fact that PRP stimulates collagen production in your skin over time, it helps to enhance the skin tone, strengthen dermal integrity and boost skin health of the skin.
The results will vary from one person to the other. PRP is more concentrated and as a one-off treatment is more suited to patients who are time poor or looking to reduce recovery time.
Dark circles under eyes treatment
PRP is a natural non surgical solution to treating under eye circles and bags.
When PRP is administered under the eye area it promotes healing, increases blood flow and stimulates collagen for more healthier skin.
As a result this can:
Regain the lost elasticity and plumpness under the eyes by repairing the weakening collagen and elastin in the skin.
Create entirely new blood vessels that bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to combat pigmentation problems and enhance your melanin production giving you a healthy glow.
Clear away puffiness due to excess fluid retention and toxins.
Your Injector will evaluate the condition of your skin and then schedule 2-3 or sometimes more sessions with 4-6 weeks spacing in between to ensure the best results although you will already see results even after the first administration .

PRP is also an effective treatment for hair loss
PRP concentrates natural growth factors found in your blood to help stimulate hair follicles for thicker, healthier hair. PRP is suitable for men and women suffering certain types of alopecia or general hair thinning, people looking to prevent more hair loss, and those not interested in surgery.
Results of PRP treatment
Stimulation of hair follicles
Increased hair growth
Thicker healthier hair
It is ideal to start treatment at the first signs of hair loss and thinning. By activating follicular progenitor cells (adult stem cells), the application of PRP causes weary hair follicles to become healthier and larger, producing more robust hair growth.
New hair growth can be seen as early as 2 months, but is typically evident between 5-8 months and will continue to improve up to a year after treatment.
This may vary depending on hair condition and your expectations.
3- 6 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart, is normal. Once you and the doctor are happy with the results you may maintain the result with top-up treatments every 12 months.
Repeat treatments will be recommended based on your own hair: they are as-needed for some, annual for others, one off or every 6 months for others.
Some patients can go straight back to work. Some patients report a tingling sensation after injection, and most tolerate the procedure well with topical anaesthetic cream or a pain block injection. Injections can cause minor bruising and swelling.
To ensure best results, PRP should begin at the early stages of hair thinning.
Book a skin consultation to see if PRP is right for you.
1 hr
650 New Zealand dollars