For the ultimate ageLOC experience, add ageLOC Future Serum to the lineup as your treatment step and discover how the products work synergistically to reveal younger looking skin morning and night. By targeting the ultimate sources of ageing and with the maximum ageLOC concentration of any Nu Skin formula, ageLOC Future Serum truly transforms your skin with unsurpassed anti-ageing results.
AGELOC™ Future Serum 30ml
This product is the second step in the ageLOC Transformation skin care regimen. It can also be used as an anti-ageing treatment with other skin care products.
Before moisturising morning and night, place two pumps of this luxurious serum on fingertips and apply in an upward, outward motion to face and neck. Avoid eye contact.
Follow with an appropriate moisturiser such as ageLOC Radiant Day or ageLOC Transforming Night.
To make it easy and convenient, freight and packaging is only $5.00 per order.